Monday, February 27, 2006

Paintballing and Pizza Hut

Saturday morning.
7 am. I'm fast asleep.

7.15, my room phone rings. I'm too lazy to get up.

7.20 handphone rings this time. I'm in a daze as I grab my phone, press the green button, hear Shazana's voice on the other end of the phone. Wondering what she wants on a Saturday morning at 7 am, I don't manage to say anything, as I figure which arm is left and right.

By the time, I realise where I am, then it suddenly fits together.
Saturday morning, 7 am, Shazana calling me.
I was going paintballing and as usual I slept late the previous night, and as usual, I got up late on the designated day ie Saturday.
Thanks a million Shazzy!! Heehee...

Flash back

NOV 2003
Reminds me of the time when I was supposed to go to Genting with my KDU mates. Same thing happenned. I missed the bus that morning, took a later bus and got all wet as I rushed to get to Kl Sentral to catch another bus to Genting. That time, I had Choi ( my housemate ) to thank.

I got ready as quickly as I could. Packed some biscuits for breakfast. Met Shazzy. Walked to LSE in the cold, windy morning of London. 'Twas so cold that I was practically shivering all the way as Shazzy told me some stories about herself as I described UCL's play to her.

Got to the Old Building at about quarter to 8. As usual, not many ppl there except for Pa'an, Yusof, Sopi, Intan, Ban Fang and a few others. Waited till about 8 before we boarded the bus.
Took us an hour to get to the place. It's called Paintzone and it's in Croydon.

In an actual jungle, that's where we were. But, the place wasn't giving us a warm welcome, as it turned out, the winds there were even stronger than the ones near my place and the path we had to walk through was so muddy that my shoe was all brown (it used to be black).

We were given 3 items as we got to the "Safe camp"; a green army-style overall, a helmet and a paintball loader. Took some time to put it on, as I slowly got used to the cold, and I think the people had done a decent job cleaning the overalls up as they didn't stink though they weren't the cleanest thing around.

We were divided into 2 groups, red and white.

There were 4 rounds altogether. Personally, I loved the 2nd round most as I hit 2 people on the chest. I was playing sniper as no one thought I was hiding in the bunker ( or so I assumed to gratify my ego.. hehe..). And in the fourth round, I managed to shoot another guy as he tried to escape from his hiding place. I know i shot a 4th guy, but I can't remember in which round.

In between we had lunch, ie Pizza Hut, which we got conned. We were told that we were having a Pizza Hut buffet. I knew there was a catch all along. But we Malaysians, being very forgetful or perhaps just too polite to bring the issue up just sat there and ate. I didn't want to be the one-man army when no one else was bothered. Oh well, had 4 pcs myself to make the most out of it.

And we couldn't play all the rounds, cos "someone" had decided to go back early. Bunch of losers.

COME ON!!!!!!!!
It's not like we get to come here everyday to paintball each other.

Again, no one was complaining, and most of the people I guess had either run out of bullets or were exhausted. Actually, it was too much for a day also..all that runnning and hiding.
Like Rashid said, it's too stressful to think of all those things when you're at war.
You need to take care of yourself, shoot the enemy and avoid friendly fire.

I actually did a few stunts of my own, rolling over to get to safety, sliding in the mud etc.
Good fun really.

But when I got shot, it was not all fun. Got hit on the top of my head twice and at the back of my left ear once. Those 3 shots hurt quite bad. The other shots on my knee and body were OK.

It was fun, all in all.

Whites beat the Reads eventually as generally, we ie the Whites had better players.

Got back to the Safe Camp, cleaned up, returned the equipment loaned out to us, walked our way to the bus. The driver was kind enough (in is his own interest) as he got us plastic bags to tie around our muddy shoes.

Exhausted, I refused to sleep on the bus as I didn't want to spoil my sleep by just napping and not having a complete rest. Reached my room at 4.30, scrubbed my shoes clean and slept at 6 pm.

Till the next morning 6 am. Sorted out the other stuff in my room as I met James, Boon Wy and Rashid for lunch on Sunday.

And we had Pizza.

A proper buffet at Pizza Hut.

Cost us 4 pounds each, but definitely worth the money.

Ate 13 slices altogether and beat James who had 12 slices without the crust ( just for the record =p)


Till then.

PS. Wished we had stayed longer though. Great job guys, special thanks to Yen Chong.

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