Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Events and Exams!!!!

Arggggggh! Exams are coming and events are also around.
Have not been studying much.
Attended IC's Mnight. Ok. Not bad. Comparable to Warwick's one but I wished the play was more realistic and not as corny as it was.
The performances were excellent. Well executed I would say.

Mamak night. Wasn't too sure if I was going till Rashid called to ask me over, then I said ok. But then few mins ago, I had dissuaded Zhi Xin from going. Since I told Rashid I was coming, somehow I worked me charm on Zhi Xin and he came, but on one condition he wanted to "pau" my Lost and Desperate Housewives. He got his stuff, and since it was taking quite a while, we decided to head for LSE 1st, and get it later.

Got there, food wasn't there yet. Met a few people as the crowd started to build. Noticed that the people from IC and UCL are there almost every time LSE has something on. Wonder why?

Makan was not bad. I had some chicken curry with pilau rice (that's what the Msians call it, I call it Pulao, pronounced "Pulla" ). Cost me 2.50. Some iced-lemon tea and teh tarik to go with it. Not too bad I guess.

Next up is the MSS night. Heard it wasn't doing too good cos lotsa people were pulling out cos of various reasons. But now, seems to be a different story. They're trying their best to put up a good show, and I seriously hope it works out. It can't be worse then some other shows that I've seen.

And ya, exams up soon.

But everyone is planning to go somewhere during Easter, from Spain to Italy to Scotland to Vienna. Sigh, so many things to do, so much to study!

Guess what? I just found out that some Christians fast during Lent for Easter. There's this guy, Chris in my hall. He's actually fasting. Oh well, it's not so bad after all. Suppose every other belief has this thing of fasting to endure what a poor man goes through.

I know this last paragraph has no connection whatsoever with my previous ramblings in this post, just decided to stuff it in since it came across my mind.

To end this post, special thanks to Rashid, Yee Pin and Ben (and James) for changing my perspective on guys. They actually bitch and can be very mean and crude at times, but heck I wished we were in the same college. Would've been fun. Suits me well as a sadist. Verbally.

But then, they weren't actually the adventurous type. Different type of friends, I guess.

Thanks everyone for making this week....eventful!

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