9am - On Southampton Row, heading for LSE to return books.
9.30 - Bump into Kuan Han, accompany him to the Accommodation Office
10.00 - Office is closed, chat a while.
10.15 - Leave for Rex Air to confirm air ticket
10.30 - All done (Will be on the same flight with Zhuangli, see you then Cardiff-mate!)
10.45 - Board Bus 94 to Bayswater.
11.15 - Hand in some form to JPA
11.30 - Enlighten Kak Midah and Encik Din about insufficient funds. Encik Din tries to acknowledge the problem and said that JPA might want to adopt Petronas' style of "pay first, claim later".
12 noon - Top up handphone and get some stationery.
1 pm - Lunch at home. Cheese sandwich.
1.30 - Trying out voipstunt. Paid 5 pounds via text and called Australia and aunt in Ipoh. Works fine for landlines, line audible for mobile phones, but could have been clearer. Still worth the money though.
That was the eventful part of my day. The rest of it was just to sleep and watch 24 and Hindi movies.
Watching Da Vinci Code later and gotta start looking for a house soon.
Till then..
PS.if you guys want me to call you up, just leave me your fixed line phone number.
(Cos it's free to call :D )
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