Friday, May 26, 2006


The people at ULU are very very helpful. (ULU ie University of London Union)

It's a building on it's own, right next to UCL.
Has loads of facilities and services which cater to various needs.

My need yesterday was to locate a house in London that met my budget, and so I and my 2 other comrades went up to the 4th floor of the ULU building.

That's where we found the accommodation office. There was a lady inside who basically ran the whole place on her own.

Loads of brochures, catalogues, leaflets and stuff of that sort was all over the place in that room.
And behind her table, there were 4 PCs, with telephones next to them, and they were specially for us, ie students to use to call and find out about our houses.

Wasn't that cool? Free phone calls?

ULU people are very very thoughtful people.

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