Thursday, April 19, 2012

The toenail

I've been suffering from an ingrown toenail for more than a year and finally got the whole nail removed surgically. Also, got a section of the root of the nail removed.

This is what an ingrown toenail looks like.

I would like to share my tips to get through this condition. It's a niggling one, and requires a lot of care.

Prevention tips (If you haven't had an ingrown toenail, make sure you follow these steps and you'll be fine!!)
Tip no.1
Avoid wearing dress shoes with narrow width on a regular basis. This was the cause of my ingrown toenail.

Tip no.2
Cut your nails horizontally and not curved.

Cure tips (If you're already suffering, you should feel better by following these steps)

Tip no.1
Soak your feet in warm water with a dash of salt (Epsom salt if you have it, but generic salt would do too). This should be done for about 15 minutes every evening. It soothes the swelling in the corner. For some people, soaking cures the toenail for good. It softens the nail and the skin around it, and eventually the nail grows out of the skin. Again, this works for some people.

Tip no.2
Wear Box shaped shoes (Read: Ronald McDonald shoes). This eases any pain from your infected toe. Enough space for it to wiggle.

Tip no.3
Have the nail surgically removed together with the root (a.k.a the matrix)

Seek help when you see your big toes swelling up.
There's nothing to worry about, just a little caring for and you should have it cured in no time at all.

Good luck!

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